
Example Of The Transitive Property

The transitive belongings meme comes from the transitive property of equality in mathematics. In math, if A=B and B=C, then A=C. So, if A=5 for example, then B and C must both too be v past the transitive property. This is truthful in—a foundational property of—math because numbers are constant and both sides of the equals sign must exist equal, past definition. (Hey, we're word people, but we know a matter or two most definitions.)

OK, enough math.

The transitive property slang/meme, on the other hand, misapplies the transitive property to non-numerical things to reach illogical conclusions or false equivalencies. For example, humans eat cows and cows eat grass, so by thetransitive property, humans eat grass. Dissimilar in math, just because the outset two statements are true does non make the final "conclusion" true. The humour in the meme relies on the absurdity of attempting to apply the transitive holding outside of math.

The meme apparently evolved out of the practice of sports fans attempting to utilise the transitive property to sports teams and athletes. While information technology almost certainly predates the internet, as far back as 1992 sports fans were attempting to fence their team was the best using the transitive property on Usenet groups. It has reached the point of a sports cliché, with web sites like created just to mock it.

Through the 1990s, internet users started using transitive property to "prove" the superiority of other things, such equally the best pilot in Star Wars or the virtually powerful graphic symbol in Lord of the Rings. By the the 2000s, the transitive property was used more more often than not in airheaded net arguments (or intentional punchlines) that tried to connect two seemingly unrelated things.

Into the 2010s, thetransitive property joke remains strong.

Example Of The Transitive Property,


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