
How To Get Free Chips And Salsa At Chili's Doordash


If there is a problem with a order (delivery or pickup), Doordash seems quite intent to immediately outcome a refund without any problem. In fact automated system covers typically the issue without whatever details really asked. That is not bad.

However things accept inverse if you need to speak to somebody. In my case there was a problem with a promotion (Chili'due south). they offered a costless chips and salsa when you link Chili's and Doordash accounts. I did it and at the terminate, chili'southward page told me to get back to go along gild on Doordash page. In that location no fashion to get the bargain (only a loop to link again…). Subsequently ordering I asked Doordash to help add information technology. They did not… It was not on society received from Chili's. I chatted again and received a credit for teh detail non received. That is fine. However they afterwards contacted me via email saying that I had to social club on chili's page to go information technology. That is non what the Doordash and linking account pages said. I asked to speak to a manager… (in fact I kickoff asked to speak to a manager because teh chat SR did not know how to address and escalate the problem. Then I re-iterated because despite receiving a commitment for a phone call inside a day, nobody from dordash called me.)

That was on 16 days ago. i was told I would be called within a day. I wasn't. electronic mail follow-upwardly got me teh aforementioned incorrect answer (order from Chili'southward). three subsequent chats (and at to the lowest degree an email to each fourth dimension before asking for manager resulted into NO call yet. We are at present xvi days after! Issue is non the order or website snafus. It is no more the wrong feedback yous obstinate to give twice. it is your terrible customer service!

Doordash, I am your client! Take a director call me back immediately or you practice not deserve to be in business! It is not how treats a customer and it is terrible customer service. It is not that there are no alternatives out in that location. It is so expensive to acquire a repeat client… and this is just the style to lose one! I wonder when they will call or contact me… Information technology'south already been 4hours afterwards my concluding chat. Yous would call back they would care and try to contact immediately!

It'south on!

Nonetheless no way to guild: only the imprint appears cycling to link over again then … no way to get the fries!
Image preview

I day later (10/14/20) still no call or email more 26 hours afterward. They then suggest I telephone call their number to speak to manager. CSR dares to say manager busy and will call me back. When I refused he hung upwards!

The adjacent CSR disconnected!

What is going on?

Total on 10/14/twenty (solar day afterward this weblog was written), doordash has hung up or disconnected me 5 times! The sixth time they could non notice a manager. CSR was helpful (just one so far) just only could commit a call with 24 hours preferrably her managing director today before x PM. I am not holding my jiff.

Information technology is at present past ten PM… no calls!

It should be clear that at this stage the issue is non at all the chili's trouble merely the abysmally awful client service that has been provided!

On 10/xv/20: six:fifteen PM: no call from any managing director. I called CSR and I am promised a all within an hour. It is 7:30 PM: no call have been received

Calling them again, by eight:30 a call is promised in next 24 hours. At midnight an email is received. Fourth dimension is set.

See email thread:


Your DoorDash Support Request – TenThis message was sent with High importance.You lot replied on Friday x/xvi/2020 half dozen:46 PM

Fri 10/xvi/2020 12:12 AMTo:

  •  back


  •  You

Amazing. I accept been asking for a call since September 27 and promised a telephone call back no less than eight times so far! That included Wednesday before 10 PM PDT or today "within an hour". Nobody e'er chosen me!
I can practice a call tomorrow (Friday 10/16/20) between 1 PM and v PM PDT. Allow' see if i volition get called this time!

From: back <back>
Sent: Thursday, October fifteen, 2020 11:31 PM
To: Ten
Discipline: Your DoorDash Back up Request

Hi X, Thank y'all for contacting DoorDash. Nosotros'd like to give you a call so we can talk through your upshot. If you can respond here with the best day(s) and fourth dimension(s) to achieve y'all as well as confirm your preferred contact phone number, we'll reach out. If we can help you in any other way, let us know by replying to this email. Your reference number associated with this contact is 136411781. Best,AmitDoorDash Back up
DoorDash Help



Re:XXX – Missing/Incorrect Items – Completed Lodge – CXThis message was sent with High importance.Y'all replied on Thu 10/fifteen/2020 half dozen:06 PM

XWed 10/14/2020 x:36 PMTo:



  •  Yous

I have asked since September 27 to be called past a director! I have not been chosen despite commitment that I would. Only email I received did not described the event correctly. I explained information technology and no reaction! is this the mode you treat your customers? is doordash proud of such a customer service?
I am your customer If I ask to be contacted, y'all contacted me especially every bit your chat CSR (and Phone) committed no less than half-dozen times that i would be chosen within the side by side day. It never happened. I practise not accept such a state of affairs and I demand to be chosen!
Today I was told to telephone call y'all. No CSR was available! I was disconnected or hung up 5 times (those who hung up on me should exist disciplined BTW) before the latest CSR who committed that I would be called today by 10 PM pacific. It did not happen. Only this email. I meet it again as doordash not caring. I do not accept information technology I desire to be called and discuss this matter! In business you do what you commit, or you do not deserve to be in business. And treat badly your customers and you rapidly won't have any anymore. It's non that there is non a plethora of delivery alternatives. Is doordash management so inept that information technology can't understand that? I would hope not and that yous will do the right thing!
So, let me repeat,I want to speak (not email) with a (high enough) director to talk over your terrible customer service (and so the matter with the order that has by now get almost irrelevant). Had Doordash been professional and understood basic customer services, the thing would have been resolved a long time agone. now it has become a huge customer service dissatisfaction for me that i want to discus and hear your apologies and suggestions!
Attached is the review that will otherwise appear everywhere in addition to mutter to FTC and BBB. I promise you will do the right thing and we tin can address this and detect a way forrard. The review typhoon provides much more details.
I do wait doordash direction firsthand attachment and think as asked since September 27! i would not understand nor accept if this was once again ignored!
Awaiting your telephone call.
X +1-203-200-7786
>>Doordash's Problematic Customer Service

If there is a problem with an order (delivery or pickup), Doordash seems quite intent to immediately upshot a refund without whatsoever problem. In fact automated organization covers typically the issue without any details really asked. That is slap-up.

Still things take changed if you lot need to speak to somebody. In my case in that location was a trouble with a promotion (Chili's). they offered a free fries and salsa when you link Chili's and Doordash accounts. I did it and at the cease, chili's page told me to go back to continue order on Doordash page. There no style to get the bargain (but a loop to link again…). Afterward ordering I asked Doordash to assist add together it. They did not… It was non on order received from Chili's. I chatted over again and received a credit for teh item not received. That is fine. All the same they afterward contacted me via email maxim that I had to gild on chili's page to go it. That is not what the Doordash and linking account pages said. I asked to speak to a director… (in fact I first asked to speak to a manager because teh chat SR did non know how to address and escalate the problem. Then I re-iterated because despite receiving a commitment for a call within a 24-hour interval, nobody from dordash called me.)

That was on 16 days ago. i was told I would be called inside a day. I wasn't. email follow-upward got me teh aforementioned incorrect answer (order from Chili's). 3 subsequent chats (and at least an email to each time before asking for director resulted into NO call withal. We are at present 16 days after! Event is not the gild or website snafus. Information technology is no more the incorrect feedback you obstinate to give twice. it is your terrible client service!

Doordash, I am your customer! Have a managing director call me back immediately or you do not deserve to exist in business! It is not how treats a customer and it is terrible customer service. It is not that at that place are no alternatives out there. It is so expensive to acquire a repeat customer… and this is just the way to lose 1! I wonder when they will call or contact me… It'due south already been 4hours after my final chat. Yous would think they would care and try to contact immediately!

It'southward on!Yet no style to guild: only the banner appears cycling to link over again and then … no way to get the chips!
Image preview

Ane day later (x/fourteen/20) withal no phone call or electronic mail more than than 26 hours later. They then suggest I phone call their number to speak to manager. CSR dares to say manager busy and volition call me dorsum. When I refused he hung up!

The adjacent CSR disconnected!

What is going on?

Total on 10/fourteen/20 (day later on this weblog was written), doordash has hung up or disconnected me 5 times! The 6th fourth dimension they could not observe a manager. CSR was helpful (only one and then far) simply simply could commit a phone call with 24 hours preferably her director today before ten PM. I am not holding my jiff.

It is now by 10 PM… no calls!

Information technology should exist clear that at this stage the issue is not at all the chili's trouble but the abysmally atrocious customer service that has been provided!

From: <back>
Sent: Wednesday, Oct 14, 2020 8:06 PM
To: X
Subject: X – Missing/Incorrect Items – Completed Club – CX Dear X,

Thank you lot for reaching out to u.s. and for bringing this to our attention. Could you please let me know what specific issues you've encountered? I'd honey to help where I tin can and pass forth your suggestions to our team, simply I demand just a bit more data before doing so.

I'm grateful for your commitment to working through this. Thanks for using DoorDash!


On 10/16/120: No telephone call ever takes at with the proposed time slot!!!! When calling support again, I am told that the manager does non reply! I am at present promised a call by a VP in next 24 hours!

10/17/20: nobody called. I had to e-mail again


Re: Your DoorDash Back up Request – 136880815 & 136411781This message was sent with High importance.

X Sat 10/17/2020 half-dozen:40 PMTo:



  •  You lot

Yesterday, 24 hours agone, I was assured past Candui (? CSR who handled SR 136880815) that I would be chosen within 24 hours by the boss of the director supposed to call about 136411781 and who did not!  It has non happened.
Then far i have been promised nine times to be called past a manager and I accept never been! it is unacceptable business organisation practice, and you should be ashamed of this!
Please have a VP or the manager of whoever was supposed to telephone call nearly SR 136880815 telephone call me immediately to explain and apologize! When you lot commit a recollect y'all od it or y'all don't commit! where has doordash learned to do business organisation or manners for that thing?
Your immediate attention is demanded. Please escalate to your upper management@!



I was called 1 60 minutes after and we resolved the Chili'south issue. yet nobody could explain for non being phone call 9 times in a row!

I am not promised to be called with 48 hours past the dominate of these people (SR 1366880815)! Let'southward encounter.

OUTCOME – 10/18/twenty

Got somewhen called by direction!

  1. They empathize the Chili'south matter and volition investigate why it was setup every bit it was. Chili's confirmed club would have had to exist done on their site and would have been credited. They volition investigate to address either by letting orders grade doordash or clearly explicate what to do then if offered every bit promo on doordash. They promised to retrieve with update. We will run into.
  2. They offered $50 credit. I refused the credit so they reimburse to credit card
  3. They agreed and apologized for not calling me and not resolving information technology on September 27. They committed to investigate and discipline whoever is responsible if warranted. They committed to call up with event.
  4. Even if stating apologies and claiming it i snot normal, information technology doe snot seem that they really were that sincere…

It's SR XXXX nosotros will run into. Getting me again as a customer is conditioned on them getting dorsum or they will take to also credit all the doordash laissez passer for September and after.


5 essemonreport thumbs down again!


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